“There are different gifts but the same Spirit; There are different ministries, but the same Lord; There are different works, but the same God who accomplishes all of them in everyone.” 1 Corinthians 12:4-6
It is the mission of the Adoration Ministry to spread the incredible blessing that Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament provides. To bring knowledge of this ministry and understanding to parishioners and non-parishioners alike and to inform the faithful of the quiet, reflective and joyous prayer that is gained from adoration. Everyone is invited and eligible to help this awesome ministry and we only ask that each person signing up to Adore Our Lord, do so with a commitment in mind and to realize the importance of keeping their times. For more information contact: Emily Robbins 626-6398 or Pat Souza 358-7269
The Adult Choir supports the liturgical activities of the parish through music and song at the 9:30 am and 5:00 pm Masses and Holy Days. Adults of any age are welcome to join us. For more information contact: Andrea Santos 746-0998
Ministry to assist the Priest during Mass and at other requested celebrations. Requirements: 1) Boys and girls who have received their first communion. 2) Attend Mass each week. 3) Must know or learn the parts of the Mass. 4) Must be able to sit still. 5) Must be reverent in Mass.
For more information contact:
Altar Server Coordinator: Gloria Salcido (775) 240-1997
Egworm4156@yahoo.com -
BLD Covenant Community is a Catholic Charismatic Community of Encountered Families called together as one people through a moment of encounter and a process of renewal to a relationship of Faith, Hope and Love with God. BLD members are called to “Be Christ to one another and to others.” For more information contact: Malou Alano 750-4279
We have need for all types of Grounds Maintenance help ie: maintaining the prayer garden, electricians, plumbers, assistant custodians, Baptism pool maintenance, lift operator, applying wood preserver on pews, snow removal, and sprinkler repair. If you have any of these skills, the need is there! For more information contact: Parish Office
What is Liturgy of the Word Ministry for children? Children age 4 through 14 are invited to listen to the Word of God proclaimed from the Lectionary for Children. This program is offered at the 11:30 Mass, September through Mid-May. There is no registration or fee for this ministry. This ministry requires: First Reader – Reads the Children’s Lectionary of 1st and/or 2nd reading. Gospel Reader – Reads the Children’s Lectionary of the Gospel and then talks with the children about what they just read and what it might mean to them. Helpers – Crowd control, passing out supplies and other duties as assigned. For more information contact: Gloria Salcido 240-1997
Planning the parish celebration of the Feast of our Lady of Guadalupe. Meetings are held on the 3rd Monday at 6:00 pm in the parlor. For more information: Vicky Camacho 815-5290
What is the Disciples of Jesus and Mary Program? The Disciples of Jesus and Mary are called to live in holiness and truth. The program offers how to discover your plan of life: the plan of life, found in the Heart of the Father, who He created you to be. The plan of life process helps us to recognize the way the Lord has been forming us throughout our entire life. We each have different gifts and special graces to help us to fulfill the plan of life given to us by the Lord. We learn how to apply the Five Principles to our life each and every moment. For more information contact: Michele Jenkins 870-2208, Jeannie Keyes 626-5694. To learn more, visit
www.disciplesofjesusandmary.org -
The DVD/Book Lending Library offers positive, wholesome Catholic Christian materials for family enjoyment and spiritual growth. The library is available in the church office area. DVD’s are not in the cases so you need to check them out in the office. DVDs and books need to be returned within 2 weeks. For more information contact: Jeannie Keyes 626-5694 or Dalene Melzer 342-2702
Eucharistic Ministers are members of the community who feel called to be more involved in the celebration of Mass. They have the duty of helping the priest to distribute the Body and Blood of Christ. This ministry calls to those who want to be more involved, yet feel they do not have time to take on another activity. The commitment that comes along with being a Eucharistic Minister is to serve at scheduled Masses, in which one would already be participating. For more information contact: Parish Office
Display and sell sacramental religious/inspirational items to our fellow parishioners. We do this to encourage and promote the teachings of the Catholic Faith. Time requirements are 30 minutes before and after Mass on Sunday. For more information contact: Parish Office 358-5977
You, as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion to the sick and homebound, have been called to be a sign and a bridge. Sent by the parish, you are the living sign that the community of faith and worship has not forgotten its absent sick, its invisible elderly. Bearing Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament, you are a sign that God is and wants to be with them, sharing time, spiritual friendship and praying with them. As a representative of Christ living in the Church, you draw them back into conscious communion with the whole Body of Christ. They and their caregivers are not alone. Training will be provided. For more information contact: Parish Office
Knights are Catholic men, 18 years of age and older, who are committed to making our community a better place, while supporting our Church. The Knights of Columbus are a Catholic men’s fraternal benefit society that allows members opportunities to work together to perform charitable works and to build financial security for themselves and their families through insurance and annuity programs. For more information contact: GK Leo Carew III 775-843-1040. Learn more at the http://www.kofcknights.org/CouncilSite/?CNO=12877
The Ladies’ Guild is a nonprofit, spiritually motivated organization of Roman Catholic women dedicated to a Christian stewardship of service for the parish community. The Ladies’ Guild provides a calendar of social and charitable activities throughout the year to support that goal and the goals of their advisor, the Pastor.
For more information or to join the Ladies Guild contact:
President – Gloria Salcido (775) 240-1997
The Lay Carmelites are actually the third branch of the Carmelite religious order and are canonically the “Carmelite Third Order”. Lay Carmelites strive to adapt the charisma of the Carmelite friars into their “secular” state in life i.e. a life of prayer based around living in the presence of God. To become a member, one must be at least 18 years of age, be a practicing Catholic in good standing, and complete a period of formation prior to Reception. Membership is open to both men and women, married or single. Becoming a Lay Carmelite is actually a call, or vocation with three basic elements: prayer, community and service. Carmelites also cultivate a strong devotion to Our Lady of Mount Carmel and the Brown Scapular. For more information contact: Eileen Dana 882-2071
The Lector proclaims God’s Word to the gathered assembly at Mass, bringing it to life as the Living Word among us. Lectors should have the gift of projecting their voices in a clear, articulate manner. Lectors are scheduled for two weeks at a time approximately every other month. Training is provided. For more information contact: Maria Reames aljoba@sbcglobal.net
The Martha Mary ministry strives to fill the corporal works of mercy by serving the people of Immaculate Conception Church with charity and love. This ministry has been active since 1998, organized with volunteers to reach out to the parishioners to meet their needs in the areas of: grieving families (hosting funeral reception), hospital needs (long and short terms illnesses, excluding nursing care), homebound (cooking meals, light house duties, visiting, errands), spiritual needs (praying, transportation to and from church). We have been supportive by hosting gatherings for our whole parish community. Maybe you know of someone who may benefit from this ministry. Please do not hesitate to call. Remember, we only serve the parishioners who are registered at Immaculate Conception Church. For more information contact: Karol Davis 425-6291
The Multi-Cultural Choir sings at the 7:30 Mass. We also fill in for other choirs when needed. Practices are Saturdays at 2:00 pm. If you can make a joyful sound with your voice, would like to praise God through song, or play a musical instrument and would like to join us, please give us a call. For more information contact: Teresa Bouldin 310-462-8045 or Liuaki Tausinga 379-8087
FertilityCare Center of Reno teaches women/couples a natural method of family planning that follows the teachings of the Catholic Church as found in the Catechism of the Catholic Church. NaProTechnology, the medical/surgical treatment of reproductive issues, including infertility, PMS, miscarriage, polycystic ovarian disease, endometriosis and others is offered. The classes are taught by competent FertilityCare Practitioners who give a detailed education in the method. For more information: Julianna Jervis 827-5111 or juliannajervis@att.net, or Sue Barnes suelynchbarnes@yahoo.com
Prayer and Life Workshop, A New Evangelization: Most successful and happy people are good at making time for reflection and spirituality. A time to silence the busy mind and just be. The workshop is a service approved by the Holy See, inspired by Father lgnacio Larranaga, to learn and deepen the art of prayer and live a much happier life full of peace. Thru meditations on the Word, intensive prayer methods, and silencing exercises, the participant overcomes, step by step, their inner anguishes and anxieties, fears and sadness, finding meaning to life thus experiencing the love, peace and joy that only God can provide. We have created a space for you, come and join us! You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. For more information contact: Maria Hernandez 229-0368
The Prayer Quilt/Shawl Ministry’s mission is to develop and improve the prayer life of the members while sewing prayer quilts and knitting or crocheting prayer shawls for parishioners in need of healing – physical and/or spiritual. As the quilts and shawls are made, the members silently pray for the healing and comfort of the recipients. Beginners wanting to learn are always welcome, as well as experienced sewers, knitters, and crocheters. Members meet the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month 1:30 – 4:00 pm. For more information: Donnie Nicoson 722-0010
We are an active group of Pray-ers in our parish. We can be called prayer intercessors or prayer warriors. Prayer requests are submitted and put on a list. Each pray-er is contacted by phone or email and given the list of intentions. The needs are ongoing and important, so all pray-ers try to be vigilant & constant in interceding each day in their daily prayers. This ministry is vital to our parish and reaps abundant blessings. For more information contact: Laurie Jones 331-8311 or George Mankowski 225-7949
This ministry prepares children who are age 7 or older and who are not baptized for full acceptance into the Church. Determination will be made on a one to one basis. The child and the parents/family participate in bi-monthly year-round sessions which are structured for an increased conversion of heart and knowledge about our faith. For more information contact: Dorothy Gonzalez 358-5959
Fr. Philip is assembling a team of adults who have completed their sacraments of initiation and are active practicing Catholics to form a team to assist with the formation process for people who wish to become Catholic. The RCIA class meets Thursday at 7:00 pm July thru April. For more information: Fr. Philip George 358-5977, Theresa Currivan 775 934 1010
To foster and promote respect for life at all stages from conception to natural death according to the teachings of the Catholic Church. To help educate and provide information to parishioners on the many Life issues including euthanasia, stem cells, cloning, physician assisted suicide, abortion, infanticide, and futile care issues while remaining faithful to Catholic teaching; providing an outreach to those in our Parish Community for information and referral to life supporting organizations and services available in our community. For more information contact: Toni Berry 356-2111
The Sound/Video technician operates the soundboard system during Sunday & holy day Masses and the video projection of songs and parts of the Mass on the screens. For more information contact: Himanshu Patel 425-0940
Come join us to welcome parishioners and new members to the Celebration of the Mass. Duties will include: Greeting parishioners at the door, monitoring seating and clearing of the aisles, and collection of offerings. For more information contact: Dalene Melzer 342-2702
“The fostering of vocations cannot be considered a marginal activity, but must be incorporated fully into the life and acuity of the community.” (Pope John Paul II) The purpose of a Parish Vocations Committee is to provide an atmosphere in the parish in which all eligible or interested people may carefully consider priesthood or the religious life. The Committee assumes the responsibility of creating a climate of vocation awareness in the parish. The Immaculate Conception Parish Vocations Committee is seeking parishioners who are interested in this worthwhile ministry. If you are interested in being a member of the committee, please complete a Parish Stewardship Form and turn it in to the parish office. You will be contacted within 3 weeks to discuss your interest. Your consideration is greatly appreciated and please remember: Vocations are everyone’s business! For more information contact the Parish Office.
Item descriptionImmaculate Conception’s Youth Group is the response of the Christian community to the needs of young people and sharing of the unique gifts and talents of the youth with the larger community. By presenting young people with the Good News of Jesus Christ and empowering them to live as His disciples in our world today through active participation in the life, mission and work of the Catholic faith community and encourage the growth of total personal and spiritual growth of each person. Teens meet every other Friday at 7:00 pm in the Faith Formation building. Parent support is needed in providing food for the events. Young adults are needed for the core team to support the Youth Minister in creating Youth Night. For more information contact the Parish Office.